From Sedentary to Active: Remote Work Tips

From Sedentary to Active: Remote Work Tips

In today’s digital world, a lot of people prefer to work from home as it offers ease and comfort. However, this can also result in leading a sedentary lifestyle. Being seated for extended periods of time with little physical activity has a very bad impact on our health. But fear not! This blog will help you break free from too much sitting and embrace a more active healthier routine while working.

We’ll explore seven ways to combat a sedentary lifestyle while working from home, including registering with online yoga sessions. And if you live in Ahmedabad, you can even attend  yoga classes in Ahmedabad for an overall improvement of your lifestyle and well being.

  1.      Take Regular Breaks and Move Around

It’s easy to get caught up in your work but taking small breaks regularly is very important to help prevent an inactive lifestyle. Try to get up and take a 5-10 minute break after every 25 to 30 minutes of focused work. Take this time to stretch, allow your body to move around your space, or just do an easy physical activity. A short walk around your house or some stretching can loosen your muscles, enhance circulation and minimize tightness in your joints. This technique is called the pomodoro technique and is great for managing distractions, reducing mental fatigue, and improving focus. 

  1.      Hydrate Frequently

People often forget about staying hydrated when they work from home, but it’s essential to keep your energy up and avoid getting tired. Try to make it a habit to have a water bottle at your desk and take a sip whenever you finish a task. Drinking water will also help you steer clear of unhealthy snacks and give you the energy you need throughout the day. Plus, taking regular trips to the bathroom will get you to move around, keeping you active and breaking up long stretches of sitting.

  1.     Try Standing or Walking Desk

One main reason why working from home leads to a sedentary lifestyle is sitting for long durations. If your workspace allows, try switching to a standing desk. Standing as you work activates your core and leg muscles, improving posture and significantly lowering the risk of back pain. If switching to a standing desk is not possible, then try using a walking desk. Walking on a treadmill while working with your laptop seems odd, but it is gaining popularity. This mild exercise, spread over the day, allows you to burn calories as you work.

  1.      Stretch and Strengthen with Yoga

An inactive and sedentary lifestyle also leads to tightness in your hips, back, and shoulders. Yoga works wonders for just that. Begin or conclude your day with yoga to alleviate tension and remain flexible. You can also use it to take short breaks during office hours. Yoga poses such as Downward Dog, Cat-Cow Stretch, seated Forward Bend can open up and relieve pain in your body caused by excessive sitting.

People living in Ahmedabad can attend yoga classes in Ahmedabad to stay fit and relaxed. If you want to do yoga at home, you can easily find Yoga Sessions Online that offer live and recorded classes. This way, you can choose what is best for your needs.  

  1.      Practice Mindful Breathing

When your work gets too much to handle, and you’re feeling swamped, do some breathing exercises. Doing mindful breathing exercises like deep belly breathing or Nadi Shodhana Pranayama (alternate nostril breathing) is perfect for clearing your mind and cutting down on stress.

Pause for a short time right after you finish a task or meeting and just breathe with awareness. This trick isn’t just going to refresh your brain, but it’ll also help improve your posture and focus.

  1. Spend five minutes outside.

It can seem wasteful to take a break when you’re working from home and every second matters. But a key component to performing better at work is your physical well-being. Going outside for a five-minute break reduces stress, increases focus, and enhances your state of mind. Get moving and go outside because even three breaks a day provide major advantages and take up less than 1% of your day.

  1.   Stay consistent

Tackling a sedentary lifestyle becomes much easier when your habits are consistent. Consistency doesn’t just help your body become fit and adjust to the work from home lifestyle, but keep your mind focused as well.


When you’re working home, it doesn’t have to chain you to your chair the whole day. You can avoid a couch-potato lifestyle by adding small changes to your schedule, like taking breaks to move around, doing a bit of yoga and drinking plenty of water. Looking for expert help in your yoga journey? Yoga sessions online or joining Yoga Classes in Ahmedabad are some of the best ways to learn. However, make sure to listen to your body and adjusting it to its needs. So what are you waiting for? Get your mat out, breathe in, breathe out and stretch yourself to a healthy and active work from home life today!

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